Tuesday, 24 June 2008

CLIC Sargent

Miranda and I have raised just over £10,000.00 for CLIC Sargent. If you would like to make a donation please go to either www.justgiving.com/sarahfraser or www.justgiving.com/mirandaknowles

Our target is £50,000.00 so please spread the news to your friends.

Thank you.


yoyo Schepers said...

Hey Sarah, Well done, you are doing such a great job. Hope you are having fun in the process.
All that money you have raised and the position you are in is amazing.
Have fun and hope your shoulders will ease.xxx yoyo

Anonymous said...

Dear Sarah and Miranda,
Once again, Well Done!
Regarding the proximity of rocks, better to be safe than sorry!
We know that you are both terrific but the Scorpion must be pretty special,also.
Enjoy the leisurely(?) passage through the canal and the Lay Day after.
M & M

Unknown said...

Well done Sarah and Miranda. You are going great guns, keep it up, we are all routing for you back at the office and enjoying your blogs Sarah. Enjoy your lay day and get some well earned rest - and look out for those seagulls!!!